about Us

Status Property is a professional agency with many years of experience. Our specialization is the sale of real estate in Turkey on the Mediterranean coast.

Over 18 years of successful activity, we have managed to achieve really high results in this area and have assisted many clients in buying comfortable housing. During this period, we have become even better, improved our knowledge, expanded opportunities, established mutually beneficial, trusting relationships with developers and other organizations, which allows us now to professionally and promptly resolve any issues.

We know all the "pitfalls" of transactions and are able to correctly bypass them. In the process of gaining experience, there is always room for mistakes, however, thanks to our perseverance, hard work, faith in ourselves, comprehensive partner and client support, today our capabilities have reached a new, highly professional level!

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our history

Status Property is a professional agency with many years of experience. Our specialization is the sale of real estate in Turkey on the Mediterranean coast.

Over 18 years of successful activity, we have managed to achieve really high results in this area and have assisted many clients in buying comfortable housing. During this period, we have become even better, improved our knowledge, expanded opportunities, established mutually beneficial, trusting relationships with developers and other organizations, which allows us now to professionally and promptly resolve any issues.

18 years

successful activities

At its core, fishtext is

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оказали помощь в покупке жилья

our employees
Ilhan Senmez
  • + 90 533 313 53 23
  • expert in the field of secondary real estate, for example
  • ilhan@statusproperty.ru
  • Turkish, English, German, Finnish
Ilhan Senmez
  • + 90 533 313 53 23
  • expert in the field of secondary real estate, for example
  • ilhan@statusproperty.ru
  • Turkish, English, German, Finnish
Ilhan Senmez
  • + 90 533 313 53 23
  • expert in the field of secondary real estate, for example
  • ilhan@statusproperty.ru
  • Turkish, English, German, Finnish
If you want to become part of our team, then write to us!
contact us


Anastasia Konstantinovskaya

The fishtext site will help the designer, layout designer, webmaster to generate several paragraphs of more or less meaningful fish text in Russian.

22 October, 2021

Olga Medyanaya

The fishtext site will help the designer, layout designer, webmaster to generate several paragraphs of more or less meaningful fish text in Russian.

22 October, 2021

Timofey Kuznetsov

The fishtext site will help the designer, layout designer, webmaster to generate several paragraphs of more or less meaningful fish text in Russian.

22 October, 2021

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